Saturday, February 26, 2011

The sewing gods are against me!

I actually made time to sew this weekend! I cut out the fabric for my fab Kitchenaid cover, prepared white fleece for an adorable pair of baby pants to give at a baby shower, and got the quilt binding for my baby's quilt. So what could go wrong? Um...everything, apparently!

I started sewing on the pants first. In spite of my careful pinning, the legs ended up off kilter and I had to unpick and resew in two different places. Then, when I sewed the waistband with a zigzag stitch I realized it had skipped a ton of stitches. I unpicked that, tried again, and the cycle repeated itself two more times. I finally settled on doing a straight stitch and ran out of bobbin thread 2 inches from the end. I changed it and finally finished the pants 30 minutes late for the shower. (Super cute, BTW. I forgot to take a picture but will try to get one soon.)

Tonight, I started putting together the Kitchenaid cover. I sewed on the bias tape and got a little too close to the edge on one spot. I tried again only to realize I had sewed on the wrong side of the fabric. I serged it off (I love a finished edge) and my serger went wonky. I had to rethread my serger 4 times before it started working properly, but then I couldn't find the rest of the bias tape to continue so I moved on to the quilt. All was going well until I hit a major pucker. It was nothing I could fix so I tried to minimize it, started serging again, and the serger went wonky again.

I give up.
I'm pretty sure I'm cursed.

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